7 Tips to Do Before Performing Lasik Surgery

Are you considering doing LASIK? You are not alone! Many people choose to invest in laser eye surgery to improve their vision and reduce their dependence on glasses and contact lenses. If you are planning to get LASIK, the best way to ensure a successful surgery and a speedy recovery is to prepare well in advance. Here are eight tips to help you get ready for your LASIK procedure. From arranging transportation and finding a qualified doctor to understanding the risks and costs involved, these tips will help you make the most of your LASIK trip and ensure you get the best results.

Find a qualified doctor

While the selection and screening process for LASIK is regulated by law, there are no universal requirements for who can perform this surgery. Some states, such as California, require all LASIK practitioners to be licensed by the state medical board. Other states do not have such a requirement. Be careful when choosing a doctor and make sure they are qualified to perform LASIK. Ask your friends and family for recommendations, and look up LASIK reviews online. If you have health insurance, check your network to see if any LASIK surgeons are included in your plan’s network. If you are paying out of pocket, you can also ask if the doctor accepts insurance. You may also want to consider looking for a doctor who specializes in refractive surgery, such as LASIK. While many general eye doctors can perform refractive surgery, refractive surgeons specialize in eye surgery and offer a more comprehensive approach to your treatment.

Understand the risks and costs

Before you go ahead with LASIK surgery, it is important to understand all the risks and costs associated with this procedure. LASIK is considered a safe and effective procedure, but like any medical procedure, it comes with certain risks and complications. The most common risks include infection, corneal clouding, and nearsighted regrowth. There are other potential complications as well. Be sure to discuss this potential risk with your doctor and ask if it is often seen in your particular case. The cost of LASIK will vary depending on your particular circumstances and location. On average, LASIK costs between $2000 and $3000 per eye. If you have health insurance, you should check your coverage to see if it will cover some or all of the cost of your procedure.

Eye exam before LASIK

Before getting LASIK, you should have a basic eye exam to help your doctor decide which vision correction procedure is right for you. Your doctor may perform a number of different tests, including a refraction check, a dilated eye exam, and measurement of the thickness of your cornea. Depending on the type of LASIK surgery you had and your eye care provider, you may need to have a pre-LASIK eye exam. If you are using LASIK to correct your vision from nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, you will need to have a refractive eye exam before having LASIK. During a refractive eye exam, your doctor will check your current eyeglass or contact prescription and determine the right prescription for your LASIK eye surgery. If you are having an epi-LASIK eye exam, your doctor will check the thickness of your cornea to determine if you are a candidate for LASIK.

Follow your doctor’s instructions

Once you have a personalized LASIK surgery plan, it is important to follow your doctor’s instructions. This includes taking all recommended pre- and post-surgery care and instructions. Some pre-procedure guidelines include stopping wearing contact lenses four to six weeks before your surgery, as well as avoiding certain medications such as blood thinners such as Aspirin, certain herbal supplements, and anti-histamines beforehand. Be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications or supplements. Some post-procedure instructions include sleeping with an eye shield or pillow to reduce swelling and taking pain medication as prescribed. Your doctor may also recommend applying a cold compress to your eye to reduce swelling.

Stop using contact lenses before

If you wear contact lenses, you should stop wearing them at least two weeks before your LASIK surgery. This is due to the risk of infection from bacteria growing on your contact lenses and moving to your cornea. While it may be difficult to go without your contacts, it is important that you follow your doctor’s pre-surgery instructions. If you don’t wear contact lenses, you don’t need to stop wearing glasses.

Stop taking medications or supplements

Before having LASIK, it is important to tell your doctor about any medications or supplements you are taking. Some medications, such as blood thinners, can increase the risk of bleeding during or after surgery. Other drugs, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, can increase the risk of infection. Certain supplements, such as St. St. John’s wort and ginkgo biloba can interact with medications and increase your risk of bleeding. Your doctor will let you know if any of your medications or supplements will interfere with your LASIK surgery.

Prepare your home for recovery

Preparing your home for recovery is an important part of preparing for LASIK. Make sure you have plenty of soft towels or other materials to rest your eyes on. You may also want to prepare a special pillow or mattress pad to make your bed more comfortable. Be sure to have a place where you can rest comfortably, such as an easy chair or couch. If you’re considering LASIK surgery, these eight tips will help you prepare for the procedure. By finding a qualified doctor, understanding the risks and costs of the procedure, arranging transportation, and following your doctor’s instructions, you will be in a good position to get the best results from your LASIK surgery.


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