How Coffee Helps You To Stay Alert, Confident & Creative

People often confuse being alert with being awake. In our hectic lives, it can be difficult to find the time to read a book or even sit down for a few minutes of uninterrupted peace. Luckily, most of us don’t have to go without access to information and entertainment – we just need to find ways of making those moments easier for us. One way to do this is by drinking more coffee (or tea, if that’s your thing). After all, there are plenty of benefits that come from drinking coffee, such as improved cognitive function, reduced risk of heart disease and lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Here are some great reasons why you should drink more coffee…

It Helps You Stay Alert

To stay alert, we need to keep our bodies active. For example, if you sit at a desk all day then you need to walk around the office, get up and stretch every half hour. This will help to keep your blood flowing and prevent drowsiness. Coffee also contains caffeine, which is a stimulant that can help you to stay alert by raising your levels of adrenaline and dopamine in your body. Dopamine is produced naturally by the body and it can be used to get pleasure from activities like sex, food, and even a workout. However, when we are experiencing high levels of stress or anxiety, our bodies produce more dopamine which can help us to feel more alert.

It Improves Cognitive Function

Coffee is commonly consumed by people who are looking to improve their cognitive function, as it contains specific compounds that have the potential to enhance brain function. In particular, caffeine is a powerful antioxidant that can help to prevent damage to the cells in the brain. As we age, we naturally experience this slight loss of cognitive function due to age-related changes in the brain. However, consuming coffee regularly can help to prevent this by giving the brain a boost. While this might not sound like a big deal, you might be surprised to learn that cognitive function impacts every area of your life. For example, it impacts your health, relationships and, in a big way, your income.

It Has Anti-Depressant Benefits

Coffee, as well as tea, is a great source of antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that are naturally produced by the human body and are crucial for the maintenance of good health. They can prevent damage to the cells in the body by limiting inflammation and the oxidative stress that can cause diseases and disorders. In fact, a review published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that coffee drinkers had a lower incidence of depression than non-coffee drinkers. This could be because caffeine is a powerful mood lifter and antidepressant due to its effects on neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine.

Reduces Risk Of Heart Disease

A large number of studies have been conducted to examine whether drinking coffee reduces the risk of heart disease. Results have been mixed, with some studies showing protective effects while others have found no effect. Many factors likely contribute to the potential benefits of coffee on heart health, including the fact that caffeine is a potent antioxidant, and could reduce the risk of heart disease due to the boost it provides to metabolic functions. Caffeine is excreted quickly and relatively easily by the body, so it is thought to be one of the compounds responsible for the metabolic benefits of drinking coffee. It is recommended that adults consume at least 300 mg of caffeine daily to stay healthy. However, keep in mind that too much caffeine can be bad for you, so be sure to consume coffee in moderation.

It Boosts Muscular Strength & Performance

Many people who exercise regularly consume caffeine in an attempt to boost their performance, as it has been shown to increase energy levels and improve focus. The boost in energy given by caffeine can help you to exercise for longer and at a higher intensity as well as leading to a quicker recovery. However, caffeine is a powerful stimulant so you should use caution when consuming it if you are planning to take part in high-intensity exercise.


Coffee might not be the first beverage that springs to mind when thinking about a boost to your health. However, it is a beverage that can have numerous benefits. From preventing heart disease to boosting your cognitive function, you can reap the benefits of a cup of coffee every day. Furthermore, it is a relatively inexpensive way of boosting your nutritional intake. Many studies have shown that consuming caffeine is beneficial for your health, and there are even benefits to staying alert and focused while decreasing your risk of heart disease. From boosting your cognitive function to keeping you awake and alert, there are plenty of benefits to drinking coffee.


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