Psychic Disorder “Bulimia Nervosa”: What are the symptoms – the symptoms?

Ideal body shape and weight is a dream for some people. This can be achieved through a healthy diet and lifestyle. But besides that, we can also maintain other habits such as diet.

Unfortunately, only a few people follow extreme diets to achieve their ideal body shape. One of the implications is that we can get a mental disorder called bulimia nervosa.

What is Bulimia Nervosa?

Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder in which the sufferer has a desire to eat large amounts of food at one time. People with bulimia have no control to stop it. After consuming these foods, the sufferer will feel ashamed so they want to do everything they can to get rid of the food they have consumed, by vomiting it, taking laxatives, and going on extreme diets.

What causes Bulimia Nersova?

There are several factors that trigger bulimia nervosa. These factors include: Mental health problems such as low self-esteem, depression, stress, wanting to look perfect (perfectionism), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In adolescence the influence of peers and social media is very strong. Exposure to information about the ideal body stereotype of “tall thin” causes many adolescents to have a great fear of gaining weight.

What Are the Symptoms of Bulimia Nersova?

Symptoms of bulimia can be different for each person. However, the most important indicator of bulimia is eating, even when the patient is not hungry. This can be caused by emotional problems such as stress or depression. After overeating, victims feel guilty, self-blame, and self-loathing, so they look for ways to get rid of the food.

They may be forced to vomit or given laxatives to induce a bowel movement. People with bulimia usually experience these events up to two times a week for at least three months. In addition to these cycles, overeating can cause the following symptoms:

  1. Always take your weight and size very seriously.
  2. Always see or cover it with his own body
  3. Fear of obesity or weight gain.
  4. Patients often feel out of control when eating, such as eating to stomach pain or overeating.
  5. Do not like to eat in public or in public.
  6. After eating, often take shelter to the bathroom
  7. Forcing myself to vomit the food that has been eaten
  8. Damage to teeth and gums.
  9. Excessive exercise. Use laxatives, diuretics or enemas after meals.
  10. Using dietary supplements or herbal products for weight loss.
  11. Swelling of the face, cheeks, legs and lymph nodes.

What is the Treatment for Bulimia Nervosa and When to Consult a Doctor?

This disease should not be taken lightly, if you experience the above symptoms, immediately consult a doctor. Treatment for bulimia can be done by eliminating unusual behaviors such as overeating, and intentionally vomiting food. The doctor will work closely with a psychiatrist and nutritionist. Bulimia Nervosa treatment includes medication and therapy.

There are 2 types of therapy that can be done for the treatment of Bulimia Nervosa, namely cognitive behavioral therapy or called CBT and interpersonal therapy. Through CBT therapy, people with bulimia will be helped to find the causes of bulimia. For example, by learning to replace negative thoughts or behaviors with positive or healthy ones. Meanwhile, through interpersonal therapy, sufferers will be assisted by improving communication skills and solving problems.

Mistaken serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are sometimes combined with therapy to relieve symptoms. The most common type of SSRI used to treat bulimia is fluoxetine.


To be able to recover from the mental illness Bulimia Nervosa, sufferers must change their mindset towards eating and eating patterns. The longer a person has this disease, the more difficult it is for the healing process. If you have symptoms of bulimia, don’t hesitate or be embarrassed to consult a doctor, because this disease must be treated as soon as possible.


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