Causes of Nasal Congestion and How to Cure It!

Everyone knows that nasal congestion can get real messy fast. This is especially true if you have allergies or another chronic condition that causes your nose to run more than usual. The moment you feel a sneeze coming on, the whole world seems to clear up for a brief moment. However, once the sneeze is over, what was purified air becomes a variety of airborne allergens and irritants all over again. This explains why many people experience nasal congestion at times — it’s not just annoying but can also be dangerous! Allergens and irritants build up in our sinuses and nostrils, causing mucus to build up and clog our airways. When this happens, there are high levels of mucus produced as an immune response to keep enemy molecules at bay. This causes the mucus to become thick and hard which results in nasal congestion or “nosebleeds” which we’ll discuss further down.

Nasal Congestion and What Causes It?

We’re not exactly sure where nasal congestion comes from, but it seems to be a result of a combination of factors such as allergies, a busy sinus, running nose, and emotional stress. It’s believed that if you cause enough stress or anxiety, your body releases stress hormones such as cortisol through your skin into the air around you. As you breathe in this stressful air, your mucus production is boosted, allowing for more mucus to be produced. This mucus builds up in your nose and mouth, making your nose and mouth very stuffy and runningny. Beyond that,enzymes in your parathyroid glands start to break down amino acid neurotransmitters. As a result, you feel mentally and physically drained, and your nasal passages get clogged.

Nasal Congestion and How to Cure It

Unfortunately, there’s not much you can do to prevent nasal congestion during a sneeze. The best you can do is clear your airways as quickly as possible and wash your face with clear water to remove your own built up excess mucus. When you feel a sneeze coming on, simply catch your breath and clear your nose. In some cases, you can also use a humidifier to aid in clearing your airway. Beyond that, you can use natural, homemade remedies such as cooling natural ingredients like menthol, eucalyptus, turmeric, and peppermint in a infusions or oatmeal, or drink natural decongestants like adenosine or pseudospectrum 1, 2, or 3.

Causes of Nasal Congestion and How to Cure It!

As mentioned above, allergies and other medical conditions can cause nasal congestion. However, most of the time, this is a side effect of poor diet and lifestyle choices such as overdoing it with the Central food chain (read: processed foods, sugar, dairy, and flours). We know what you’re thinking — “Why on earth would I eat something that makes my nose run?” But trust us, it’s worth it! Data shows that eating a healthy diet can help minimize your chances of developing allergic conditions. In fact, a diet high in fruits and vegetables can improve your overall health by reducing the risk of developing several chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. The top five causes of nasal congestion are: – Allergies/Idiopathics: When your immune system overreacts to harmless proteins in your nose, it creates mucus which gets into your system through your eyes, mouth, and lungs. This can cause blindness, severe eye irritation and long-term breathing problems! – Environmental Pollution: Bad air quality is a common cause of nasal congestion. It’s estimated that more than 70% of all people have suffered a foggy mind at some point in their lives. – Dry Air: Dry air can be extremely irritating to your nose and breathing passages. It also makes your immune system more active and results in a higher than normal level of white blood cells in your blood. – Hot andhumid Weather: Hot and humid weather are also known to irritate your nasal passages and lungs, making it harder for your body to breathe.

Natural Remedies for Nasal Congestion

Now that we’ve discussed the top five causes of nasal congestion and how to cure it, we can move on to the natural remedies. We invite you to learn more about common nasal problems and the natural remedies that can help.


Besides diet and breathing techniques, nasal congestion is also caused by allergies and other medical conditions. Try these natural remedies for your allergies and nasal congestion for better results. Remember, if you’re experiencing these symptoms often, you may want to have a medical checkup. Your doctor can tell you if your nose is running because of allergies or something more serious. Ridding your body of the causes of nasal congestion will improve your quality of life and help you prevent future attacks.


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